२९ माघ २०८१, मंगलबार

In Nepal there are over 70,000 nonprofit organizations, which account for supporting for growing segment of the country.and their states economy. The nonprofit sector generates over millions of dollars each year and employs an average of 2-3 percent of the workforce. Indeed, this sector has seen tremendous growth because of the critical needs in our society to support the most vulnerable populations; to provide arts, cultural, and quality of life services; and to advocate and help assure our democratic way of life.
Unfortunately, many non profits fold after a few years, while others plod along for decades as purely grassroots volunteer organizations. But there are many non profits that do rise to the top and become highly efficient and effective organizations employing hundreds or thousands of people, as they become intimately tied to the economic engines of their communities. Why does this happen? What are some of the factors that cause some nonprofits to rise to the top, while others dwindle away or stay stagnant? What are some of the principles of effective voluntary organizations that will assure success?

As an organization trains and brings on new leadership, it’s natural for some operations and initiatives to fluctuate. However, it’s important to not cross the line into the fundamental values of a nonprofit. Core values demonstrate the essential, unchanging values of your organization. Core values should not only represent what the organization stands for, but should also guide each generation of leadership regarding how and where to direct the company.


To be true to our beliefs: respectful,
honest, transparent and fair. To be thought leaders, transforming
cutting edge ideas into tangible actions. To be a trusted, vital partner in our
community. To honor and protect all our

If your nonprofit organization accepts government funding and public donations, it is crucial that the company remains beyond reproach. Not only must the company pursue honorable initiatives, but it must conduct business in a way that is honest, transparent and ethical. In order to further define what integrity means in the context of your company, consider drafting a Code of Ethics for all directors and officers to approve and acknowledge.

Show the world that you are not only pursuing something important, but that you are doing it well. A core value of excellence could mean that you cultivate and train your staff. It could mean that you set tangible benchmarks for your organization and that you routinely succeed them. However you define excellence, demonstrate that have the skills and commitment to accomplish your mission.

No nonprofit organization exists in a vacuum; the most successful ones collaborate with other agencies and partners in their community. An organization can accomplish more if it attempts to complement the existing resources available in the community rather than duplicate them. Solidify this practice by making it a core value. You can list the specific types of organizations that you partner with or talk generally about how the nonprofit company fits into the larger community.

Stewardship :
No nonprofit organization exists in a vacuum; the most successful ones collaborate with other agencies and partners in their community. An organization can accomplish more if it attempts to complement the existing resources available in the community rather than duplicate them. Solidify this practice by making it a core value. You can list the specific types of organizations that you partner with or talk generally about how the nonprofit company fits into the larger community.

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    • Laxminiya Yuwa Club (LYC)

Head Office : Jahada5, Majhare, Morang

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